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  • CLM(青少儿精神康复系统)康复培训主管Rae-Ann女士采访录


  • 2023-08-31 15:22:39
  • Rea-Ann
  • 专家访谈;
  • 2.2K次
来   源:深圳美灵星(深圳市福田区)( 电话: 17727910474 )
作   者:Rea-Ann
摘   要:尊敬的Rae-Ann女士,您好!很荣幸有机会采访到您,据我所知,您在Tucci Learning Solutions,Inc(以下简称Tucci公司)负责所有康复师的培训,已经培训过多少位成熟的CLM康复师?他们都在哪些地方工作?



教练督导总监, TUCCI LEARNING SOLUTIONS、圣何塞、加利福尼亚州 2014 - 至今

Organize annual professional development schedule in collaboration with CEO


Conduct in-vivo and virtual trainings for TUCCi staff across all geographical regions 


Publish professional development accomplishments for all staff 


Schedule ABA services for all service levels in Monterey region 


Maxstar clinic's CLM mental coach


区域协调员(共享职位)、TUCCI LEARNING SOLUTIONS、圣何塞、 加利福尼亚州  2011-2014

Scheduled and attended monthly meetings with Special Education Directors for 4 school districts


Facilitated monthly BCBA and Coordinator meetings


Attend IEP meetings when requested by the BCBA/Coordinator or district


Managed scheduling for Behavior Specialists



行为康复教练、TUCCI LEARNING SOLUTIONS、圣何塞、 加利福尼亚州 2005 - 2011

Monitor staff, educators and parents in the implementation of the Competent Learner


Model in classroom, home and community settings


Collaborated with staff, educators and parents in developing objectives to instruct


learners to perform newly learned skills in a variety of situations


Construct and maintain learner binders to monitor and assess learning objectives


圣克拉拉县教育局特殊日间老师、 坎贝尔、加利福尼亚州 1999 - 2005

Full time preschool and elementary teacher for students with moderate/severe autism


Develop and assess comprehensive individual education plans


Supervise two to fifive paraprofessionals


Collaborative planning and assessment with SLP、OT and community agencies



西弗吉尼亚大学 (在线) - 协调认证证书 - 2018

圣何塞州 - 中、重度残疾教师资格证书 - 2004

萨斯喀彻温省大学、加拿大、社会学学士 - 1999

萨斯喀彻温省大学、加拿大、教育学学士 - 1991


Excellent organization of administrative tasks


Strong expressive & receptive communication skills


Ability to observe and assess situations and effectively provide a response


Leadership qualities to manage individual, small group and large groups in person and virtually


Effificient in Microsoft Offifice, Google Suite and NPA

熟练使用Microsoft office,谷歌Suite和NPA


Multicultural Award - San Jose State University, 2003


Outstanding Ability Awareness Project - San Jose State University, Department of Special Education, 2003


Outstanding Teacher Of The Year - Santa Clara Offifice of Education - 2001

年度优秀教师-圣克拉拉教育办公室- 2001年

Toto Award - Santa Clara County of Education, 2000



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Reporter:Dear Ms. Rae-Ann, Hello! It is an honor to have the opportunity to interview you. As i know, you are responsible for rehabilitation training in Tucci company. How many CLM rehabilitators you have been trained? Where are they work after they finished the training.

记者:尊敬的Rae-Ann女士,您好!很荣幸有机会采访到您,据我所知,您在Tucci Learning Solutions,Inc(以下简称Tucci公司)负责所有康复师的培训,已经培训过多少位成熟的CLM康复师?他们都在哪些地方工作?

Rae-Ann:Globally, there have been 465 certified CLM coaches. Those coaches are coaching the rehabilitators. During my past 17 years, I have coached over 50 behavior specialists who provide behavioral services in the homes and schools with Tucci Learning Solutions. And then I also provided CLM coaching to parents and family in 3 different countries (United States, Canada & Algeria. Also supporting a CLM Coach in Training in China). As well as 20 teachers and support staff in classrooms across California. 

So that sort of everything in the past 17 years. Currently, what I am doing is oversee the development of future certified CLM Coaches and instructors at Tucci Learning Solutions. And working with Dingxin at Maxstar.

Some CLM certified coaches  have their own clinic. They often have the title of behavior therapists or behavior technicians.  In China you call them rehabilitators. Many of them are teachers in classrooms. I should also add one thing, at Tucci Learning Solutions we provide ABA service in homes too.

Mostly in USA, but I don’t have the listed countries that they all in. Maybe Kristen has the countries for you. For every country or implementation that the CLM is in. We train the coach to become a certified coach. They coach on locations, so I know like , France, Bulgaria and Canada, those are the one that coming to my mind right now.


Rae-Ann:在过去的40年里,Tucci Learning Solutions,Inc经过不断地拓展、培训,目前在全球范围内,已经有465名获得认证的CLM教练,并且这些教练正在指导康复者进行7大行为训练。在我做CLM培训主管17年的时间里,我指导过50多名行为专家,他们用在Tucci公司学到的解决方案为很多家庭和学校提供行为服务。近几年来,我还为美国、加拿大和阿尔及利亚三个国家的父母和家庭提供CLM培训,同时也支持深圳美灵星临床心理专科门诊部贾丁鑫教授对中国孤独症孩子进行CLM培训。

另外在美国加州,我还管理培训20名CLM培训老师和其他后勤人员,这就是我过去17年在Tucci公司所有工作的综合。目前,我的工作是监督Tucci Learning Solutions公司未来认证的CLM教练和讲师的发展,同时与贾丁鑫教授一起参与深圳美灵星心理专科门诊部(Maxstar)孤独症孩子们的评估。


Reporter:What are the highlights in CLM training system ?


Rae-Ann: There are many highlights, I have some information here. The CLM training system is designed by coaching participants strategies of applied behavior analysis and good teaching practices. That’s the main thing. The goal is to teach new behaviors, or what we call replacement behaviors, so that the children can learn better in their academics or their day to day functioning as independently as possible. The other important thing is that there are always a CLM coach assigned to those adult learners who are often family members and educators. So the CLM not only  guides people to talk about the CLM, but more importantly they learn to do it in very natural and fun way, using preferred activities that the learner like to do. There is lots of engagement with the learner, with the rehabilitator, the coach, but also with the family. It’s a very collaborative team approach. What we really focus on, we learn the vocabulary, the words, but we focus on the application with learners. They are very hands on, The goal is that the parent and rehabilitator actually work with the learner.  

And so the coach must observe the participant engaging with the learner and provide constructive feedback as soon as possible. So the CLM team will  need the family to record their child, video record them and send it to the coach and to the rehabilitator. And then, when I talk about instructors, The CLM calls teachers, therapists, parents, grandparents, siblings, those are all instructors. So anybody who really interacts frequently with the learner could be instructors. 



Reporter:Is CLM repertoire a highlight in CLM?


Rae-Ann:Yes, the way we describe the CLM repertoire, repertoire means a set of skills. We do assessment to see what repertoires need to be strengthened.

 And then we go into a CLM curriculum, and very first lesson in the CLM curriculum has the Problem Solver (mand) and Participator(Non Directed) repertoires, so we will mand to request, we want the learner to stay  in close proximity and not run away from adult and be able to reach out if they want something, or somehow to communicate that they want something.

And then we have the first seven lessons are very very important to the CLM, And it doesn’t matter what age the learner is, they could be 3 year old, they could be 16 year old. But they don’t know how to participate in learning. They could be in those first seven lessons. It’s not about age, it’s about ability to participate in activities.In the first seven lessons we find out what is reinforcing to the learner and what their preferred activities are and those are used for instruction. The instructor gains value and the learner stays with the instructor Or I seen on Zoom in your clinic just to stay in a corner with the rehabilitators, not run off to the other corner. Those the things in the first seven lessons. They prepare them to learn more. And still the reason the first seven lesson are very important because you may have a very high level learner, but maybe they haven’t slept well four nights, or they are sick, just like us. When we are tired or not feeling good, we don’t participate as well.

So rehabilitators have to be very aware what those first seven lesson are. Because sometime we have to go back from like lesson 16 back to lesson 4. And just like, okay, we can’t ask too many demands today because he hasn’t slept well for 3 nights. We want them to participate but we don’t want them to be so frustrated that they going to run away. What the rehabilitators are trained to do is to assess right  away. How is the learner? are they happy? Or they engaging? If they maybe not feeling good or sick. We don’t want to necessarily send them home, but we will adjust our instruction to the lower lesson. I would like to add, go to a lower lesson is not a bad thing. It just get the learner participating again. It’s not bad thing at all.





Reporter:Any more points?


Rae-Ann: Yes, so what is CLM also does, is you want the learner to perform an action across people, places and items. That is the generalization, a lot of behavior models are just making sure that the learner can work at a table. We want to make sure that the learner can do it at a table, on the floor, maybe in a corner, another side of the room. So that is the places, we want to make sure that they can do it with rehabilitation, with the parent, with the grandparent, across people. A skill like put in, if you drop a coin in a container, we want to teach them to put in different toys in different activities, not just one. So a lot of behavior companies’ model, they just do it at the table with one thing and they will say it is mastered. So the first lesson, we want the learner to do it across people, places and items. And that is generalization.




Reporter:What aspects of practice should be paid attention to in the training of CLM rehabilitators?


Rae-Ann: we talked little bit about parents being included, they are instructors. So I catch a little bit about that more later. The CLM coaches’ mission is to keep the integrity of the CLM as Vicci Tucci designed the Competent Learner Model, and that is why it’s very hands on, you don’t learn the CLM from a book. It’s from person to person, hands on, that is very important. And then I had mention, you know, that mean using CLM assessment, the CLM curriculum, take in accurate data for training of the rehabilitators. And then making program decisions based on data. And that makes the CLM science based. I also want to add that the CLM also designed using the principle of verbal behaviors and still teaching expressive and receptive language is very important. If children have difficulty in communicating. They get very frustrated and often they get very physical response.

The bottom line to data collecting is that we really have observed. We observe it as a fact. We don’t bring our personal judgement in. Because that is not science. That is one of the first thing that parents and our rehabilitators work. If somebody is saying that child is having a tantrum. What I think a tantrum is maybe different with what you think the tantrum is. Instead of that, I am going to say what would I observe the child doing having a tantrum. So we train people to record using action words. So you can see pull hair, hit head, drop to the floor. That are all observable behaviors. So we train people to talk that way. Not to say the learner is sick but describe it. He look red in the face, head on the desk, things that you can observe. So that very clear whoever who is talking would know what being sick mean.

Rae-Ann: CLM康复训练包括两个环节,一个是家长(这一点我们稍后再讲),另一个是CLM康复师,这是学习者常接触的两个指导者。所以,CLM教练在培训康复师时必须注意以下几点:

第一、CLM教练在训练康复师们学习CLM教程时,必须保持CLM的完整性,因为Vicci Tucci设计的青少儿精神康复系统模型,最突出的特点就是实践,康复师不能在书本上学习到CLM,必须在训练中一对一亲自实践才可以学会操作课程。





Reporter:If the parents is necessary, is the coach need to train the parents how to train child at home?


Rae-Ann:It’s really depend on the type of implementation. Ideally, that would be great because parent are the first instructor, especially when they are young. Sometimes it is not directly the parent, sometimes it is a grandparent who spends more time or another relative, or care giver. Because really the goal is to have new behaviors in the home setting and the community.

 Say at school, it though give much training to the teacher , it’s more for the school. So if clinic has parent that come in to the clinic and have that coaching. Some of TUCCi coaches are coaching parents virtually in China, right? And so that is the model that Maxstar starting with. Using the coaches in California that way. Ideally, for the benefit of the child, a lot of parent work many hours. And so may grandparent or different care giver. I want to add one thing that is really important when it come to coaching. 

CLM model is play, learn and achieve. So when we are training rehabilitator, we were looking for people who not only want to learn, but they want to have fun, they can be playful, to get down on the ground and play with the child. It’s not everybody can do that naturally. So that is something that CLM coaches would look for the people to train. 





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区     域 :广东深圳市
优势课程:感觉统合 | 言语训练 | ABA训练 | 融合课程 | 职能治疗 | 能力评估

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区     域 :广东深圳市
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